TC-003001-30 / Rev 01
Clean the sealing rings and the gaskets with a soft cloth. If necessary, wash them with soap and rinse them with
clean water.
After cleaning, all valve components should be inspected for damage, dents, scoring, wear, or corrosion. If any
damage is found, proceed with the repair where possible or with replacement of the parts.
For a complete inspection procedure, the following operations should be carried out:
Check the metallic parts for damage along the sealing surfaces and on moving surfaces. Particular
attention should be paid to surface nicks and corner damage.
Make sure that the sealing rings and gaskets are not slashed, extruded and/or otherwise damaged.
Check for scratches and plating defects on the surfaces of the bearings, the thrust washers, the O-ring
grooves, the ball, and the seat components.
Inspect all replacement components that are going to be used to ensure damage has not occurred in
storage or transportation.
If any damage is found, the minor repairs should be carried out by trained personnel, otherwise contact
WKM representative.
The minor repairs that may be carried out on site by maintenance personnel shall be in accordance with the
following points:
Use standard engineering practices to repair the damaged metallic surfaces.
Remove surface nicks on ball and stem by using a mild abrasive such as Scotch Brite pads.
Remove all corner damages by using a mild abrasive or with a bearing scraper.
Replace all faulty parts and components.
Flush lube and sealant while the valve is disassembled.
After inspecting the parts and getting the replacement parts as required, use the following procedure to assemble
the 370D6 ball valve:
Place the body, on the ANSI flange, on a clean and solid surface that will hold the weight of the assembled
valve securely. Place the tailpiece on the ANSI flange. Take care not to damage the sealing surfaces.
If studs have been removed, install the studs in the body with the ID stamping up and the short end
threaded into the body and screw them down completely. Remove any particles which may have flaked
off the studs.