M-Series Technical Manual
Cambridge Engineering, Inc.
Filters may be installed in the V-bank filter section or in
the intake of the rainhoods. These may be of the dispos-
able or permanent type. Filters are removed and replaced
from the V-bank filter section by opening the filter
access door. Filters are removed from the rainhood by
removing the retainer from the end of the rainhood. To
remove the retainer, remove the shipping screws from
the ends of the retainer, then pull the retainer back and
downward from the rainhood.
Permanent Filters are 2" thick washable, metal mesh
filters that may be installed in the rainhoods or in the
V-bank filter section.
Disposable Filters may be one of two types:
1. Pleated panel filters are 2" thick filters which slide
into tracks provided in the V-Bank filter section only.
(Do not use this type of filter in the rainhoods because
of moisture exposure.)
2. Continuous filters are constructed of a two-stage
media. The white side faces into the airstream and
the orange side faces the exiting air. Internal frames
ensure rigidity, while the continuous media eliminates
gaps between filters and effectively seals against the
filter tracks. These filters are unaffected by moisture
and may be installed in the rainhoods or in the V-bank
filter section.
Shut down the heater and turn off the blower before ser-
vicing the filters. Remove the filters from the rainhood
or filter section. Handle carefully to prevent debris from
being dislodged from the filter into the heater.
Permanent filters can be cleaned using a stream of
water or soap and water. Back flush the filters until the
water comes out clean. If soap is used, ensure that all
soap is rinsed out of the filter. Visually inspect the filter
to ensure that it is clean. Allow to dry before returning to
Disposable pleated panel filters are replaced when they
become dirty. Replace the filter with the same size of
filter which is removed from the filter section. Note the
airflow markings on the filter.
Disposable continuous filters are replaced when they
become dirty. Continuous filters are manufactured one
panel wide by 24 panels long. (eg., 16" x 600" filters
consists of 24-16" x 25" panels and 25" x 384" filters
consist of 24-25" x 16" panels.) Cut these filters between
panels to select the continuous length required for the fil-
ter track. If four 16" x 25" panels are required for a filter
track, simply cut a four-panel length. Install the filters
with the white side toward the air inlet.