The following settings can be configured via CalexConfig.
Configuration settings are password protected. To access the Settings menu, go to the Unlock
screen and enter the password. The default password is
Temperature Units
On the temperature display screen, click °C or °F to switch between temperature units.
Output Range
Go to the Settings screen, then Output Range.
4 to 20 mA Output Scale
Set the temperature range limits for the 4 to 20 mA output, between the limits of -20°C
and 1000°C.
The difference between the temperatures at 4 mA and at 20 mA must be at least 100°C.
The temperature at 20 mA must be greater than the temperature at 4 mA.
Default setting: Depends on model, e.g. LT = -20°C to 100°C (see Model Numbers)
Output Processing
Go to the Settings screen, then Output Processing.
Averaging Period
Set the time, in seconds, over which the measured temperature is averaged.
Note: averaging prevents the sensor from following rapid temperature changes.
Default setting: 0
Peak/Valley Hold Processing
If required, hold processing can be applied by setting Hold Mode to “Peak” or “Valley” and
setting the hold period. This is useful if the temperature reading is interrupted by gaps
between moving objects, or by an obstruction.
Default setting : OFF
Emissivity and Compensation
Go to the Settings screen, then Emissivity and Compensation.
Emissivity Setting
Enter the emissivity of the target. Target emissivity can be determined experimentally, or
estimated using an emissivity table. For more information, contact Calex.
Default setting: 0.95
Reflected Energy Compensation On/Off
If enabled, compensates for errors caused by reflected energy from hotter or colder
objects. This should generally be kept OFF in most applications.
Default setting: OFF
Reflected Temperature
Enter the temperature of the surroundings of the target for Reflected Energy
Compensation. Changing this has no effect if Reflected Energy Compensation is OFF.
Once the sensor is in position, a suitable safety isolator is connected and configured, and the
appropriate power and cable connections are secure, the system is ready for continuous
operation by completing the following simple steps:
Turn on the power supply
Turn on the meter, chart recorder or controller
Read or monitor the temperature