programmer user guide
Automatic operation
until the heating clock
1. Press button
corona will be displayed.
2. Icon or will light up to show which
is the current set temperature
If the thermostatic function is disabled,
pressing button until the heating
clock corona is displayed enables the
time programming of space heating set
on the programmer (for any external
thermostat connected to the heat
interface unit).
Holiday Mode
The programmer can be set to override other functions when the premises will be un-occupied eg.
during holidays.
This is important during winter when the DHW and Heating pipework could freeze causing flooding
and damage.
Holiday protection is in additional to the anti-freeze function.
Everyday during the holiday the space heating program will follow the set pattern for each day.
1. Press key
shown in the central display.
until “HOL” will be
2. Icon
which is the currect set temperature
will light up to show
The space heating program will be
according to the set pattern of the holiday
day, no matter what the day of the week is.
If the thermostat function is disabled,
pressing button until the heating
clock corona is displayed enables
the holiday time programming of space
heating set on the device (for any
external thermostat connected to the
heat interface unit).
To turn off Holiday Mode follow the
Summer and Winter Operating procedure
on page 3.