Guardian Manual 001-5006-000 Rev 0
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P a g e
Remote to Host %
Shows the number of packets the Remote device successfully sent to the Host.
Overall %
Shows the percentage of Host received packets versus Host transmitted packets.
# of Packets to Send
Programs the number of packets the Host should send to the Remote before stopping.
Bytes of Data / Packet
The programmable number of data bytes in each packet the Host sends. The Remote will respond with the same
number of packets.
COMPort/Network Ratio
The ratio of the COM port baud rate to network (over the air) baud rate of a modem. This is used if the network
baud rate is slower than the COM port baud rate. If the COM port baud rate is 9600 and the network baud rate is
4800, set the ratio to 2. If the two are the same, set this field to 1.
Packet Delay (s)
The number of seconds for the Host to delay between sending each packet. This field ranges from 0.00 to 10.00
seconds (in 0.25 second intervals).
This is used to configure COM port options.
Host (Primary Port) - Configures the primary COM port as the Host device (the device initiating packets to
the Remote device.
Remote (Primary Port) - Configures the primary COM port as the Remote device (the device responding to
the packets from the Host device).
Host/Remote (1 computer / 2 ports) - Configures the primary COM port as the Host device and the
secondary COM port as the Remote device. This option requires a computer with 2 COM ports.
Host/Remote (1 Port using a Y-cable) - Configures the primary COM port as the Host and Remote device.
A Y-cable is required for this option (with transmit connections split to the transmitting device and receive
connections split to the receiving device). A computer with 1 COM port is utilized for this option.