Guardian Manual 001-5006-000 Rev 0
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P a g e
Allows selection of the unit (by choosing its Remote ID) from which the Link Test information is gathered. Remote
IDs are set up in the Diagnostics IDs, Alarms and Filters Screen. The Short ID is displayed. An Offline Link Test
returns the following statistics:
Remote ID
Figure 5-14 - Offline Link Test Screen
Blocks Tx’ed to Remote
Displays the number of data blocks transmitted to the remote unit.
Blocks Rx’ed from Remote
Displays the number of data blocks received from the remote unit.
Link Quality
Displays the ratio of data blocks received to data blocks transmitted (in %).
# of Blocks to Send
Allows the user to determine the number of blocks to send before stopping (with 0 being disabled).
Blocks Per Transmission
Allows the selection of the number of blocks per transmission (1 to 200 blocks).
Block Delay (s)
Allows the user to determine the delay between the transmission of data blocks in 0.05 second intervals (0.00 to
120.00 seconds).
Allows the user to clear the display (blocks transmitted, blocks received and link quality).