Page 39
Blocks Tx‟ed to Remote
Blocks Tx‟ed to Remote displays the number of data blocks transmitted to the remote unit.
Blocks Rx‟ed from Remote
Blocks Rx‟ed from Remote displays the number of data blocks received from the remote unit.
Link Quality
Link Quality displays the ratio of data blocks received to data blocks transmitted (in %).
# of Blocks to Send
# of Blocks to Send allows the user to determine the number of blocks to send before stopping (with 0
being disabled).
Blocks Per Transmission
Allows the selection of the number of blocks per transmission (1 to 200 blocks).
Block Delay (s)
Block Delay (s) allows the user to determine the delay between the transmission of data blocks in 0.05
second intervals (0.00 to 120.00 seconds).
Clear allows the user to clear the display (blocks transmitted, blocks received and link quality).
Start is used to begin the test.
Pause is used to pause the test and allows the user to resume the test at a later time.
Offline Diagnostics are returned from a local or remote unit in response to a Get Diags request
(see Figure 2-18).
An Offline Diagnostics request requires suspension of user network operation
Select allows the user to choose Current, Low or High Diagnostics. Current shows the value of the last
requested parameters. Low or High displays the lowest or highest value of the parameters since the last
Clear was performed or the last time power was removed.
Offline Diagnostics parameters include the following:
Battery Voltage: supply voltage
Analog Vcc: Analog Circuits Regulated 5V line
Temperature: internal case temperature (in Celsius)
list continued on next page
RSSI Level: Received Signal Strength Indication (in dBm)
Forward Power: Forward Power (in watts)
Reverse Power: Reverse Power (in watts)
Preamble Good: the number of correctly decoded transmissions received in the last 15. Used with
Preamble Total, this serves as an indication of how well the unit is receiving data
Preamble Total: the number of total transmissions detected, maximum is 15. Used with Preamble Good,
this serves as an indication of how well the unit is receiving data
Preamble DCD: this number shows a count of all received Carrier Detects