001-0003-829 Revision 1
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GPRS network registration status:
The read command returns the status of result code presentation and an integer
<stat> which shows whether the network has currently indicated the
registration of the MT.
The write command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code
"+CGREG: <stat>" when <n>=1 and there is a change in the MT's GPRS
network registration status.
Select service for MO SMS messages:
The test command is used for requesting information on which services and
service preferences can be set by using the AT+CGSMS write command
The read command returns the currently selected service or service preference.
The write command is used to specify the service or service preference that the
MT will use to send MO SMS messages. If parameter <service> is not given, the
current value remains unchanged.
=1 Circuit switched
=2 GPRS preferred (use circuit switched SMS transfer if GPRS SMS transfer is
not possible, for example when the mobile is not GPRS attached or the network
does not support SMS over GPRS)
=3 Circuit switched preferred (use GPRS if circuit switched is not available)
Query all PDP context activations:
The test command returns supported interfaces and states.
The read command lists the activation states for all activated PDP contexts of
the ME. Contexts, which are created internally by the GPRS modem compatibility
commands, will displayed only, if they are activated. The Output of this
command is unsorted.
The exec command returns the sum of all activated PDP contexts of the ME.
Set type of authentication for PPP connection:
=0 none
=1 PAP
=3 PAP and CHAP
Configuration of GPRS related Parameters:
AT^SGCONF=<llc_pdu_length_U>,<llc_pdu_length_I>,<GPRS msclass>
0 - no negotiation with network (500 will be used)
140...1520 - lower values diminish performance
0 - no negotiation with network (500 will be used)
140...1520 - lower values diminish performance
GPRS msclass:
GPRS Multislot Class. The parameter can be changed only when the MT is
detached, otherwise ''CME ERROR: operation temporary not allowed'' will be
returned. The value can be one of the classes indicated with the Test command.
The value set is volatile and powerup value is the maximum allowed.
Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation:
The command may be used to accept a network request for a PDP context
activation announced by the unsolicited result codes "RING" or "+CRING: