001-0003-829 Revision 1
Page 26 of 65
Start the ping test using the AT^SISX command. The example pings google.com 4 times with a
timeout of 2000 ms.
The response output example is shown below (the output may differ, but should show a successful
ping response);
^SISX: "Ping",1,0,"",798
^SISX: "Ping",1,0,"",526
^SISX: "Ping",1,0,"",475
^SISX: "Ping",1,0,"",471
^SISX: "Ping",2,0,4,4,0,0
^SISX: "Ping",3,0,471,798,567
To close the connection type AT^SICC=0.
Internet Service Information: HTTP receive data
Once the GPRS Internet Connection profile has been setup using the AT^SICS commands, the
AT^SISS command is used to setup the Internet Service Information profile. For an HTTP service
test, type the following commands to setup a connection to receive data from yahoo.com:
Check the settings by typing, AT^SISS?. An example output response is shown below;
^SISS: 0,"srvType","Http"
^SISS: 0,"conId","0"
^SISS: 0,"alphabet","1"
^SISS: 0,"hcMethod","0"
^SISS: 0,"hcContLen","0"
^SISS: 0,"hcAuth","0"
^SISS: 0,"hcRedir","1"
^SISS: 0,"address","http://www.yahoo.com"
^SISS: 0,"hcContent",""
^SISS: 0,"hcProp","Accept-Encoding: identity"
^SISS: 0,"user",""
^SISS: 0,"passwd","*****"
^SISS: 0,"hcUsrAgent","MC75/4.1"
^SISS: 0,"tcpMR","10"
^SISS: 0,"tcpOT","6000"
^SISS: 1,"srvType",""
^SISS: 2,"srvType",""
^SISS: 3,"srvType",""
^SISS: 4,"srvType",""
^SISS: 5,"srvType",""
^SISS: 6,"srvType",""
^SISS: 7,"srvType",""
^SISS: 8,"srvType",""
^SISS: 9,"srvType",""