001-0003-829 Revision 1
Page 48 of 65
Extended Operator Selection similar to At^COPS.
Network registration:
The read (?) command serves to verify the network registration status of the
0 - Not registered, ME is currently not searching for new operator and user
intervention is required. Yet, emergency calls can be made if any network is
1 - Registered to home network
2 - Not registered, but ME is currently searching for a new operator
3 - Registration denied, Either the SIM or the MS or the ME are unable to log
into any network. No further attempt is made to search or log into a network.
User intervention is required. Emergency calls can be made, if any network is
4 - Unknown (not used)
5 - Registered, roaming. The ME is registered at a foreign network (national or
international network)
The write command is as follows:
=0 DCREG Unsolicited Result Codes (URC)
=1 Enable URC +CREG:<stat> to report status of network registration
=2 Enable URC +CREG:<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>] to report status of network
registration including location information. Optional parameters <lac> and <ci>
will not be displayed during calls or if these values have not changed since last
AT+CREG read command or since last indication by +CREG URC
Signal quality:
The execute command indicates the received signal strength <rssi> and the
channel bit error rate <ber>.
0 -113 dBm or less
1 -111 dBm
2..30 -109... -53 dBm
31 -51 dBm or greater
99 not known or not detectable
0..7 as RXQUAL values
99 not known or not detectable
Cell Monitoring:
The execute command delivers cell information containing 9 values from a
maximum of 7 base stations. The first base station is the serving cell.
Cell Monitoring:
The execute command can be used to obtain status information of the service
cell and up to six neighbour cells. The advantage over other cell monitoring
commands is that AT^SMOND delivers more detailed information about the
received signal strength.
Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode:
The command supplies information of the serving/dedicated cell. There are two
ways to retrieve the information: once on request by using the execute
command or automatically every <period> seconds by using the write
command. To stop the periodic presentation type "AT" or "at".
=1 to 254 periods in seconds