001-0003-829 Revision 1
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GPRS Commands
This Section describes AT Commands that a TE (Terminal Equipment, e.g. an application running on
a controlling PC) may use to control the modem acting as a GPRS Mobile Termination (MT).
A brief description of the GPRS commands are provided in Table 9.11. For futher information, refer
to the Siemens TC65/MC75 AT Command Set document available from Siemens.
Table 9.11: GPRS Commands
Command Description
PDP context activate or deactivate:
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported PDP
context activation states.
The read command returns the current activation states for all the defined PDP
The write command is used to activate or deactivate the specified PDP
context(s). After the command has completed, the MT remains in V.250
command state. If any PDP context is already in the requested state, the state
for that context remains unchanged. If the MT is not GPRS attached when the
activation form of the command is executed, the MT first performs a GPRS
attach and then attempts to activate the specified contexts. If no <cid>s are
specified the activation/deactivation form of the command activates/deactivates
all defined contexts.
=0 deactivated
=1 activated
Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation:
The write command requests the MT to respond to a network request for GPRS
PDP context activation which has been signaled to the TE by the RING or CRING
unsolicited result code. The <response> parameter allows the TE to accept or
reject the request.
=0 the request is rejected and the MT returns OK to the TE
=1 accept and request that the PDP context be activated
GPRS attach or detach:
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported GPRS
service states.
The read command returns the current GPRS service state.
The write command is used to attach the MT to, or detach the MT from the
GPRS service. After the command has completed, the MT remains in V.250
command state. If the MT is already in the requested state, the command is
ignored and the OK response is returned. Any active PDP contexts will be
automatically deactivated when the attachment state changes to detached.
=0 detached
=1 attached