Frequently Asked Questions
About The
Cajun Bayou Griddle
How do I clean my griddle?
The recommended cleaning methods is heat
the griddle to a medium\ low temperature. Place a small amount of vegetable
oil on the cooking surface, Work griddle brick over surface until all cooking
residue is scraped clean. Wipe griddle top with a clean damp rag, turning often
to keep a clean edge on the griddle surface.
What is the weight on the Griddle?
The weight of the CBG Lg is approx.
150.lbs The weight of the CBG Reg is about 100 lbs.
What do I do to touch
up my Cajun Bayou Griddle?
The Cooking Surface
of the griddle is Stainless Steel so other than general cleaning there is nothing
you should have to do. The Carbon Steel Parts: the face plate, dripping bucket
and skid/pedestal assembly can be scuffed down and repainted. R&V Works
does carry Touch
up paint in 12 oz. spray cans. These can be used to refinish
the steel parts to a new condition.
What is the surface of my bayou griddle made from?
The CBG Lg cook-
ing surface is 3/8” Stainless Steel, the CGB Reg, because is quite a bit smaller
is 1/4” Stainless Steel.
Do you have to season my bayou griddle?
No because it is made from
Stainless Steel you can cook directly on a clean surface. In fact institutional
griddles are kept clean and clear of any “seasoned coatings.”
How often should I clean the griddle?
Clean the griddle before and after
every use. By cleaning the griddle after every use, you are promoting healthy
habits. This reduces the chances of getting any food
borne illness.
What is the recommended cooking temperature?
In the beginning do not
start too hot. Eggs for instance is usually cooked between 350° and 400°. This
temp is where a drop of water starts to dance on the cooking surface. But
hamburgers and Steaks will cook at higher temperature, We try to max the
Cajun Bayou Griddle at about 450° to 500°
How long can you cook on a 5 gallon tank?
8 hours
Do I need to put the grill inside the garage or dry place when not in
That is preferable. The cooking surface of the Griddle is stainless steel
but there are other parts that are not. With this in mind care should be taken
similar to the other grilling products on the market. There are covers for gas
grills and they should at least be put over the griddle when not in use. This pre-
vents rusting and other forms of damage that may be caused to the griddle.
How do I change from Propane to Natural Gas?
Contact R & V Works
where you can purchase the natural gas jet and valve assembly—instruction
will be included. You will need to contact your natural gas supplier to find out
what type of plumbing and regulator you will need in your area. Natural gas
regulators and propane regulators are different. They will not interchange.