Electronic Instrumentation
UM2619 – N1419 User Manual
Once all the digits are set to the desired value, turn the TUNE ROTARY SWITCH until the parameter name returns
blue. Push the TUNE ROTARY SWITCH in order to de-select the parameter, the frame returns to blue; when the
parameter is not active, the parameter status of the four channels is shown.
Fig. 38: Channel VSET de-select screen
In order to go to individual channel settings, the EXIT parameter has to be selected
Fig. 39: Group EXIT screen
Three types of Smileys in the display indicate:
Table 5: Smileys list
OK Status
ALARM Status
Current monitor offset calibration
The module is calibrated by introducing a positive offset on the current monitor. This type of calibration allows to
monitor very low current thus removing possible issues due to components and working temperatures related
negative offsets. The absolute value of delivered current can be quantified by following the steps below:
Turn on the module, after a warm-up of about 30 minutes with operating voltage and load disconnected (no
link between N1419 and detectors) then read the monitored current value Imon = I1 (offset)
Turn off the channel and connect the load
Turn on the channel with the same voltage set as point 1)
Wait a few minutes and read again the current value monitor Imon = I2 ( Iout)
The value of current output is equal to the difference between I2 and I1 (Iout = I2 – I1)
Leakage currents equal to 1 nA / 100 V shall be tolerated; e.g. Vout = 400V, Imon = +6 nA (2nA 4nA current
leakage/400V). The offset introduced is equal to 20nA for high range and 2nA for low range with output voltage at
10% of full scale and 20 °C temperature.