If you are using THN-MIM part numbers 9000043-06 and above in
your MMAC, place the jumper over Pins 1 and 2.
If you are using THN-MIM part numbers 9000043-05 and below in
your MMAC, place the jumper over Pins 2 and 3. This is the position
in which the IRM is shipped.
The IRM is designed to be easily installed into an MMAC. No special
skills or tools are required to install the IRM.
When you install the IRM into an MMAC, the following guidelines must
be followed:
The IRM must be installed into Slot 1 of the MMAC.
If the module is going to be installed into an MMAC-8™/
, be sure a Power Supply Module
) is installed in the MMAC to
supply power to the IRM. The MMAC-3
/MMAC-3FNB™ have a
built-in power supply.
Install the IRM into the MMAC as follows:
1. Power off the MMAC.
2. Slide the IRM (3, Fig. 3-2) into Slot 1(4) of the MMAC's (1) card cage.
Be sure that the card is in the top and bottom slot guides.
3. Secure the Module to the MMAC by turning the knurled knobs (2). Be
sure that the module is firmly attached to the MMAC. Failure to do so
may result in improper operation.
4. Power on the MMAC.
5. Observe the status of the LANVIEW LEDs on the IRM. See Figure
3-3. After approximately 2 seconds, the unlabeled green LED should
be lit, indicating that the IRM's network management capabilities are
on-line and functional.