A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
S p e c t r u m E n t e r p r i s e M a n a g e r
Page 43
S m a r t S w i t c h 6 0 0 0
CPCS SDU size in octets that is supported on the
transmit direction of this VCC.
Receive Size
This field is used when the local VCL endpoint is
also the VCC endpoint and AAL5 is used. It
indicates the maximum AAL5 CPCS SDU size in
octets that is supported on the receive direction of
this VCC.
Encaps Type
An instance of this field only exists when the local
VCL endpoint is also the VCC endpoint and AAL5
is in use. The field indicates the type of data
encapsulation used over the AAL5 SSCS layer.
(Reference RFC 1483, Multiprotocol
Encapsulation over ATM AAL5, and the ATM
Forum LAN Emulation specification.)
VCL CC (Cross Connect) Id
This field is implemented only for a VCL that is
cross-connected to other VCLs that belong to the
same VCC. All such associated VCLs have the
same value as this field, and all their cross-
connections are identified by entries in the Cross
Connect Table for which VCL CC Id has the same
value. The value of this field is initialized after the
associated entries in the Cross Connect Table
have been created.
Row Status
This field is used to create, delete, or modify a row
in this table. To create a new VCL, this field is
initially set to “createAndWait” or “createAndGo.”
This field must not be set to “active” unless the
following columnar fields exist in this row:
• RTD Index
• XTD Index
• AAL Type (if the local VCL endpoint is also the
VCC endpoint)
• Transmit Size (for AAL5 connections only)
• Receive Size (for AAL5 connections only)
• Encaps Type (for AAL5 connections only)
To make a change to the rows in the table view,
do the following:
In the Communication Information panel,
change the Community Name field to
From the Icon Subviews menu, select
The Community Name field in the
Communication Information panel of the
Model Information view must be set to
“private” in order to change the fields in
the table views.