A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
S p e c t r u m E n t e r p r i s e M a n a g e r
Page 44
S m a r t S w i t c h 6 0 0 0
Set the path information for the row you wish
to create, change, or remove.
and click
To create or change a row, click the
button, change the applicable fields in the
Change view and click the right mouse
button. Click
Click the
button and
return to
the application table view to see the change.
To remove a row, highlight it, click the
button, and then the
The row will then be removed from the table view.
Double-clicking a field entry opens the interface-
specific ATM Switch Application Virtual Channel
Link view, which is described below.
Virtual Channel Link View
From the
Icon Subviews
of the ATM
Application icon, select
Virtual Channel Link.
Displays the interface index for this VPI and VCI.
VPI (Virtual Path Identifier)
Displays the VPI value of the VCL. The maximum
VPI value cannot exceed the value allowable by
the Interface MaxVPI Bits.
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)
Displays the VCI value of the VCL. The maximum
VCI value cannot exceed the value allowable by
the Interface MaxVCI Bits.
Admin Status
Implemented only for a VCL that terminates a
VCC (i.e., one that is not cross-connected to other
VCLs). Its value (Up or Down) specifies the desired
administrative state of the VCL, i.e., whether
traffic flow is enabled and disabled for this VCL.
Oper Status
Indicates the current operational status of the
VCL. “Up” and “Down” indicate that the VCL is
operational or not operational, respectively.
Unknown indicates that the status of this VCL
cannot be determined.
Row Status
Used to create, delete or modify a row in this
table. To create a new VCL, this field is initially
set to “createAndWait” or “createAndGo”. This
field must not be set to “active” unless the
following columnar fields exist in this row:
• RTD Index
• XTD Index
• AAL Type (if the local VCL endpoint is also the
VCC endpoint)
• Transmit Size (for AAL5 connections only)