The flower, seeds, leaves and stems of herbs can all be used for seasoning.
• Leaves and stems should be gathered early in the morning before the heat of the sun
dissipates the flavoring oils. Leaves should be harvested before plant begins to flower and
while still tender.
• Snip stems at base, taking care to leave sufficient foliage for plant to continue growing. The
new leaves at tip of plant have the most concentrated flavor.
• Plants usually survive three or four major harvests and, depending on climate, may produce
all year round. Cold frames extend growing season and a sunny kitchen window will allow
potted herbs to produce all year long. When plants have begun to flower, a bitter taste
develops and leaves are not as aromatic because the energy has gone into producing buds.
• Flowers of some herbs may be used for seasoning. They should be harvested when they first
open and while still very fresh.
• Seeds, such as caraway or mustard, are harvested when they are fully mature and have
changed from brown to gray.
Most herbs may be dried in your 12 Tray Pro Series Dehydrator using Mesh screen
tray liners
available at Cabela’s
Item #04306441 (sold separately)
• Leaves and stems should be lightly washed under cold running water to remove any dust or
insects. Remove any dead or discolored portions.
• To dry large-‐leafed herbs, such as basil and sage, strip leaves from stem, cut in half across
the leaf and place on a mesh screen lined tray. Cutting allows dry air to get inside the stem
and will shorten drying time.
• To dry small-‐leafed herbs, like thyme, place on a mesh screen lined tray helps keep dried
herbs from falling through tray. As small herbs dry, they may fly around inside dehydrator. If
this happens, place another mesh screen over drying herbs to keep them in place.
• If flowers are to be used in teas, dry them whole. Wash and separate petals, and remove
any tough or discolored parts.
• When seedpods have dried, their outer covering may be removed. Rub seeds between
palms of your hands while blowing to remove husks.
• Place larger seeds on a mesh-‐screen sheet. Dehydrate until there is no moisture evident. If
seeds are to be used for planting, dry at room temperature to maintain germination ability.
Do not dry herbs with fruits and vegetables.
• Store in glass containers in a cool, dark place to reduce flavor loss. Label clearly before
storage because they are difficult to recognize when dry. Do not powder leaves until you are
ready to use.
Drying temperature should not exceed 95°F to 125°F (35⁰C to 41⁰C).
esh herbs and spices have a stronger aroma and flavor than commercially dried herbs and
spices. They are prized by food lovers and gourmet cooks.
Dried herbs and spices are used more often than fresh because they are more readily available
and convenient to use. Although some flavor is lost when they are dried, it becomes more
concentrated because so much moisture is removed. Most herbs contain from 70 to 85
percent water. 8 ounces of fresh herbs will yield about 1 ounce of dried.