5. Using a 5/16 inch Allen wrench,
remove the webbing joint bolt
(Figure 7).
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
4. Secure the line by inserting a
Phillips head screwdriver between
the two layers of blue webbing
where indicated in
Figure 4. To
prevent twisting it is important that
the webbing maintain its vertical
orientation (screwdriver oriented
vertically). The screwdriver will
prevent the joint from returning into
the housing during replacement.
Release the webbing, making
certain that the line is adequately
secured, and that the screwdriver
will not slip loose or rotate.
Place some duct tape across the
screwdriver and housing nose to
prevent the screwdriver and line
from twisting
(Figure 5). If the
detached end of the line retracts and
is lost within the housing, the Perfect
Descent will require factory repair.
A black mark should appear on
the upper portion of the web
(Figure 6). If not, the webbing
has become twisted. Untwist the
webbing by carefully examining the
webbing as it exits the housing and
rotating the webbing so the mark
appears in its proper location.