1.0 Serial MODBUS Gateway Overview
The BZ-TECH Serial MODBUS Gateway (SMG) acts as a data
concentrator for wireless sensor networks. This device allows
you to connect up to 50 wireless sensing devices, per gateway,
to your existing serial MODBUS RS-232C and RS-485 sensing
and control infrastructures.
BZ-TECH has recognized the importance of using open
standards like MODBUS, allowing wireless sensors to be used in
the majority of industrial applications. MODBUS is often used to
connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit
(RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems. MODBUS allows for communication between many
devices connected to the same wired network. Therefore, BZ-
TECH SMG’s allow for seemingly unlimited wireless expansion
of a traditional wired network.
A system incorporating BZ-TECH SMG consists of the following:
MODBUS Master – PLC, SCADA, etc.
Existing RS-232C or RS-485 Infrastructure.
Serial MODBUS Gateway (SMG).
Wireless Sensors
For information about the MODBUS TCP interface,
please refer to documentation regarding the Ethernet Gateway
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