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MOSFET or Standard Specs? Or a little of each?
By most peoples' accounts, MOSFETs produce a smoother, more tube-like solid state
distortion. This is a good thing, right? But MOSFETs are noisier than the usual
components used in the TS circuit. So there is a give and take. The neat thing about this
build is that it is not all or nothing or one or the other . You can build some of the
circuit to MOSFET specs and some of the circuit to standard specs. The parts of the
circuit that can be built to either MOSFET or standard specs can be broken down into 5
different sections: the input buffer, the op amp, the clipping section, the output buffer, and
the boost circuit. The various components specific to each section are mapped out in the
diagram below.
Input Buffer highlighted in yellow. The buffers are where most of the mosfet noise
come from
Op Amp highlighted in pink. This is socketed, so it should be pretty easy to