MR36 User Manual
© BWA Technology GmbH
claim by exchanging the object of the guarantee claim for a faultless product, the new
guarantee of the product shall expire as follows:
1. After the expiration of a period of 12 months from the date of acceptance
of the exchanged product by the customer.
2. On the date when the guarantee period of the original product (the object
of the guarantee claim) would have expired if the original product had not been
exchanged, whichever is later.
3. The guarantee claim is not justified if the defect being claimed has not been
detected by the seller within the framework of the guarantee claim settlement,
or if the guarantee does not apply to the defect of the product pursuant to Article
4 of the Guarantee Claim Guidelines.
4. If the defect being claimed has not been detected, and the functional state
of the guarantee claim object has been demonstrated to the customer,
the customer
in connection with expert assessment of the defect being claimed.
5. If, during the process of assessment of justifiability of the guarantee claim,
a defect of the product is detected which is not covered by the guarantee
(a repair not covered by the guarantee), the seller shall notify of this fact
the customer, and the customer shall notify the seller whether he wants to have
this defect removed at a price quoted by the seller. Precise conditions
of the repair not covered by the guarantee will be specified in a drawn-up report
signed by the customer and seller. If the customer does not require the defect
removal by a repair not covered by the guarantee under the conditions
communicated by the seller, the device will be returned to the customer, after
he has refunded the provable expenses incurred in connection with the expert
assessment of the claimed defect.
The guarantee does not apply to the defects caused by the following:
1. Mechanical damage (e.g. by a fall, etc.).
2. Utilization of power supply units and other accessories that are not suitable,
possibly, are not recommended for the particular product.
3. Interconnecting the product with non-standard accessories.
4. Installation or utilization of the product in contradiction to the operating
instructions, or utilization of the product for purposes that are not usual for this
5. Incompetent handling, possibly intervention into the product by an unauthorized
person or by a repair shop that has not been authorized by the manufacturer;
6. Damage caused by the natural elements (flooding, fire, etc.) or by other local
effects (storm, mains over voltage, etc.).
7. Storage under conditions outside the temperature range.
8. Operation in a chemically aggressive environment.
Other guarantee claim conditions
The fact that the object of the guarantee claim does not correspond to parameters
that have been set for other similar types of products can not be considered to be a defect.
For the assessment whether a defect has occurred, the product parameters included
in the technical documentation of the product are decisive.
The guarantee shall be terminated in the event of any modification of the object
of the guarantee claim or in the event that the serial number of the object of the guarantee
claim has been damaged or is illegible due to other reasons.