Bump Test
Bump Test
Gas Cylinder Connection
1. Connect the calibration hose to the 0.5 l/min regulator on the gas cylinder.
For use with the MicroDock II, use a demand flow regulator.
NOTE: Cylinders that are used with a demand flow regulator must meet
the following maximum inlet pressure specifications:
- Disposable cylinders 0-1000 psig/70 bar
- Refillable cylinders 0-3000 psig/207 bar
To perform an automated bump check, refer to the
MicroDock II User Manual
2. Connect the calibration hose to the calibration cap.
3. Attach the calibration cap to the detector.
4. Apply gas. Verify the visual and audible alarms activate.
5. Close the regulator and remove the calibration cap from the detector.
NOTE: The detector will temporarily remain in alarm until the gas clears from
the sensors.
6. Disconnect the hose from the calibration cap and the regulator.
Gas Cylinder Guidelines (Bump Test)
To ensure an accurate bump check, use a premium-grade gas. Use gases
approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Do not use a gas cylinder that is past its expiration date.
Only use the calibration
cap during calibration
and bump check.
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