MPX 2 source:
mpx in 1*
tuner 1 mpx*
tuner 2 mpx*
mpx generator
pilot tone
MPX 2 out level:
0dBu to +12dBu**
Headphones source:
analog audio
digital audio
tuner 1 audio
tuner 2 audio
test tone
Headphone level:
0 to 100%
For convenience, the headphone source and headphone level settings are duplicated
directly under the ‘audio i/o’ menu.
* Note that if ‘tuner 1(or 2) mpx’, or ‘mpx in 1’ is selected as the source for an mpx
output, the received signal merely passes through the unit, unaffected by the ‘fmsi’
signal processing (please see section 9 of this manual).
** The mpx output level adjustments only affect the output of the internal mpx
generator. If the mpx (1 or 2) output source is set to ‘tuner 1 (or 2) mpx’, the output level
is fixed at +6dBu.
(Not present in all Encore products)
This menu controls the on-board stereo generator (‘MPX’ meaning multiplex, sometimes
known as ‘composite’).
The stereo generator includes a composite clipper. With a drive level of 0dB, this has no
effect; above that it will become active and clip the MPX signal. The clipper contains
RDS/SCA protection filters, also there is a pilot protection filter option.
The audio clipper protects the MPX generator from peak excursions and overshoots in
the source audio. It is distortion-cancelling and anti-aliased.
Furthermore, there is an ‘overshoot compensator’ which handles any overshoots from
the main clipper, and restricts the audio bandwidth to 15kHz.
The MPX generator menu contains the following parameters: