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2. Snapshot
Take a picture from the working image window.
Please refer to
Section 3.2.3
3. Video signal setup
Adjust the video signal’s parameter.
Please refer to Section 3.2.3
4. Camera Information
Adjust the video signal’s parameter.
Please refer to
Section 3.2.3
5. Adjust Monitor Speed Rate
This is used to adjust the frame rate of video monitoring of the working image window.
Apply to all cameras : Click to apply the new settings to all cameras.
6. Display Full screen
Go to full screen mode.
Please refer to Section 3.2.3
7. Instant playback :
Play the video.
Please refer to Section 5.7, Instant Playback
8. PTZ Setup :
Provide a special setting to the speed dome of Ganz, Kalatel and VSD128 which is linked
to the active image window.