Wing Mounting Bracket Addendum
See Also: bvmjets.com/Tips and How to’s /Things still come loose
As pointed out in the “Things Still Come Loose” article, we have to be aware that all model
jets will need attention to fasteners, holding brackets, landing gear parts, and etc as a result
of passage of time and cycles of operation.
The L-39 may need to have the wing retention bracket tightened and glue reinforced. You
know from handling this model that both the wing tubes, Aluminum (front) and Carbon Fiber
(rear), are snug to slide on and off. So, if the bracket in question needs to be reset and glued,
it’s not a crisis situation.
To accomplish the reset and gluing
procedure, use a Dremel cutter to make a
rectangular hole just aft of the plywood
bulkhead to access the (2) hex nuts on the
aft side.
Use a 2.5mm wrench to tighten the
(2) Hex Head Bolts and a 5.5mm open
end wrench on the nuts (aft side).
Slide wing on to test alignment.
Use a glue syringe (BVM#PA-SR-
0072) to apply Aeropoxy to the
perimeter of the Bracket-to-Former
joint and to assure that the nuts on the
aft side of the bulkhead stay affixed.