Fig. A
Fig. C
Fig. B
The ONIX350 uses the latest technology and exclusive features to provide the most efficient combination of
battery life and functionality.
The rechargeable Lithium Ion battery pack provides an extended capacity of
Power Saving Options
The following features allow the user to extend battery life.
1) Power Menu
Access this quick menu anytime by clicking the Power Button (see
Fig. A
The Power menu provides these options to increase battery life:
• Backlight – Turn the backlight “Off” when outdoors in daylight to increase battery
life. Use the backlight in low light, or dark conditions, or when indoors.
• Brightness – Select and press OK to use the Brightness slider (Fig. B
) Increasing
brightness increases power consumption. Select a brightness level based on your
viewing requirements.
• GPS – Turn GPS “Off” when not using the GPS navigation functions or when
indoors where GPS signals are not accessible.
2) SafeTrack™ Battery Conservation Mode
• SafeTrack Mode creates a low power state while maintaining satellite connection
• Utilize SafeTrack to extend battery life during navigation
• Access SafeTrack from the
ot button menu (see
Fig. C
For more information on Safe Track please reference “SafeTrack Battery Conservation Mode” on pg. 22.
Utilize SafeTrack™ mode to maximize battery life.
tiPs for maXimiZing battery life in the oniX 350