Product manual 2CKA001373B5163
Display favourites (favourite stations)
There are two ways to display favourites. Change to the following functions in the device:
Move favourites, see chapter 9.3.14 “Menu "Station" - "Move favourites"“ on page 64.
Delete favourites, see chapter 9.3.15 “Menu "Station" - "Delete favourites"“ on page 65.
Here each list of all stored favourites is displayed:
Save favourites (favourite stations)
The favourites are saved from the DAB+ or the FM station list. Here each list with all located
DAB+ or FM stations is displayed:
Saving of DAB+ stations as favourite, see chapter 9.3.9 “Menu "Station" "Display station list
DAB+ " and save favourites“ on page 59.
Saving of FM stations as favourite, see chapter 9.3.10 “Menu "Station" "Display station list
FM" and save favourites“ on page 60.
If required, a station list can be updated beforehand. For this a station search mode must be
carried out.
Searching for DAB+ station automatically, see chapter 9.3.11 “Menu "Stations" - "Automatic
search mode DAB+"“ on page 61.
Searching for DAB+ station automatically, see chapter 9.3.12 “Menu "Stations" - "Automatic
search mode for FM stations"“ on page 62.
Searching for FM station manually, see chapter 9.3.13 “Menu "Station" – "Setting FM
stations manually"“ on page 63.