Product manual 2CKA001373B5163
Case C
The radio is switched off.
"Beep" has been set as signal tone.
The alarm time has been reached.
Behaviour and functions:
The behaviour and functions are the same as in Case A.
– The radio is off between the signal tones.
Table 6: Alarm clock / Snooze function Case C
Case D
The radio is switched off.
"Radio" has been set as signal tone.
The alarm time has been reached.
Behaviour and functions:
The radio switches to the program position used last.
– If the AUX program position or the Bluetooth program position has been used, program position 1
or the first occupied program position is used.
The volume corresponds to the volume value used last.
The play duration of the radio is limited to one hour.
– If the device is switched off and on again in the meantime, the limitation is cancelled.
Table 7: Alarm clock / Snooze function Case D