burster Italia s.r.l. ·
· Sede legale ed operativa ·
· Via Cesare Battisti, 16/18 · 24035 Curno (BG) · Tel. +39 035 618120 · Fax +39 035 618250
e-mail: [email protected] · http://www.burster.it
C.F. e P.IVA 11048400151 · Capitale sociale Euro 49.920,00 ···· R.E.A. di Bergamo 276749
Apparecchi di misura di precisione. Sensori e Sistemi
per grandezze elettriche, termiche e meccaniche
Mechanical Setup
The sensors consist of a torsion shaft. Depending on design, the mechanical connection possibilities are square or hexagon
connections. The torsion shaft, applied with two strain gauge full bridges, is bedded in a housing through ball bearings. For
the signal transmission and/or the supply of the strain gauge full bridges, a rotating transformer, according to the principle of
a transformer, is arranged in the sensor. For supply and measuring signal conditioning, electronics are integrated in the
stator and the rotor.
Electrical Setup
The supply of the rotor electronics occurs by an alternating voltage, generated in the stator, which transfers to the rotor
through a rotating transformer. There, it is rectified and stabilized. With this supply, the strain gauge bridge is fed.
For the electrical calibration control of the sensor, a control signal is up-modulated to the supply by the µ-processor in the
stator and transferred to the rotor. There, it is filtered and evaluated by the µPC, which also activates the internal switch for
the detuning of the strain gauge bridge.
The measuring signal of the strain gauge bridge is conditioned in an amplifier and then converted into a digital signal, which
will be transferred to the stator by another rotating transformer. Compared to the analog signal, the measuring signal in
digital form is much more disturbance-free. The remaining distance of the measuring signal within the sensor occurs in
digital form, completely. Thus, the measuring system achieves a high reliability of operation.
This signal is further conditioned in the stator, comes into a µ-processor, then - depending upon sensor type - it is converted
to a voltage signal, digital signal or to current and will then reach the output of the sensor and can be directly measured at
the connector.
Rotating transformer
Measuring side
Drive side
Electronics in the stator
Angle Sensor
Electronics in the rotor