3 - 7
Half flush
1: Flush Valve scale and adjustment setting
, flush volume increases.
, flush volume decreases.
3: Flush Valve trouble shooting
1.Install again according to the correct
installation procedure.
4.Take off and wash flush valve body.
Adjust the full flush adjustor or the half
flush float cup.
Full flush or half flush water level is
too high or too low.
Water level is adjusted incorrectly.
Push rod is too short.
4.Flush valve body is stuck.
3.Flush valve seat does not fit on the
flush valve body.
1.Incorrect installation.
No flush, low flush or half flush volume
3.Install again, ensuring both surfaces
are clean for a water tight seal.
Adjust the push rod length.
(see page 4)
2: Flush Valve installation
The Flush Valve should be adjusted for the particular cistern into which
it is being installed.
Please refer to the
Adjustment Instruction
page 6
for the full flush and half flush settings.
The diagrams below show the detailed adjustment method.
Flush Valve Installation And Problem Solving
Overflow pipe
Full flush adjustor
, flush volume increases.
, flush volume decreases.
Insert flush valve seat attached with
rubber washer into cistern flush hole.
Then install and tighten with the
fixing nut.
Flush valve seat
Fixing nut
Flush valve
Flush valve
Push the flush cone over the fixing nut,
ensure that it is flat, and there will be no
leakage between cistern and pan.
2.The push rod is too long causing a
gap between the washer and the seat.
2.Adjust the push rod length.
(see page 4)
Flush cone