WA-1150 and WA-1650 Wavemeter Operating Manual
2 Front Panel Controls and Screens
EXFO Burleigh Products Group Inc. (09042-M-00 Rev C)
the front panel controls to review all parameter values, but you cannot change any
parameters except the status of the remote feature to off.
Save Parameter Values
You may want to save parameter values that are appropriate for your application, so that
each time you power up the instrument, this information is selected automatically. Or, if
you have several instruments, you may want to set them all up the same way.
To save parameter values, display the Configuration screen, press
to highlight the
Save All field, then press either press
. The current parameter values are saved.
Restore Saved Parameter Values
You may want to restore saved parameter values, for example, if you change the value
for a parameter or several parameters to observe their effect, but then decide you want to
use the initial values.
To restore saved values, display the Setup Measurements screen, press
highlight the Restore All field. The saved values are restored.
Display Screens
The display screens provide measurement information as summarized below. Figures 2-
2 through 2-4 show each display screen and Table 2-2 describes each item on these
screens. You access the three display screens by pressing
on the instrument
front panel and toggling the key to move through the choices.
. Initially displays a start-up screen for approximately 30 seconds after you first
power on the unit. After a self-test and reference laser warm-up (WA-1650 only), the
screen is replaced with summary information on the current wavelength and power and
pertinent parameter values. For the WA-1650 only, if the warm-up time is greater than
59 minutes, an exception occurs, which causes the wavelength to not be displayed, yet all
system functions are active. Warm-up time at room temperature (20
C) typically is less
than seven minutes.
. Displays wavelength information and two methods of calculating delta (
for a comparative analysis. This screen shows the following numeric values: Current
wavelength, Start,
(Current – Start), Maximum, Minimum,
(Maximum – Minimum)
as well as the elapsed time and pertinent parameter values.
. Displays power information and two methods of calculating delta (
) for a
comparative analysis. This screen shows the following numeric values: Current power,
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