WBR-G54 User Manual
To enable WDS, set the Wireless Bridge (WDS) function to
Enter the Wireless MAC address of the AirStation to commu-
nicate with in the form of two characters separated by a colon
and click
MAC Address Ex: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Up to six AirStation MAC addresses may be registered.
under Wireless Bridge (WDS) setting when the
wireless Mac addresses AirStation are entered.
Repeat this process on every other AirStations used in Bridge
(WDS) mode.
4.2 WAN Settings
4.2.1 WAN Port
Communication Method of Wired WAN
- Select port speed and type of duplex connect-
ing to the WAN port. If unknown, select Auto
MAC Address of WAN
- Set the AirStation
MAC address to be used for WAN com mu -
ni ca tion.
IP Address of WAN
- Allows administrator to
select DHCP server, PPPoE, or manual setting for
the WAN port of the AirStation.
Auto IP assignment from DHCP server - acquire the
IP address automatically from the DHCP server.
Use PPPoE client - If selected, the in for ma tion listed
below must be entered.
Manual setting - Enter the appropriate IP address
and subnet mask.
PPPoE Setting (for enabling PPPoE Client function)
- Allows administrator to use PPPoE as speci
by the ISP.
The following parameters should be entered for PPPoE Settings:
Name of Connection
- Enter the name of your connection.
User Name
- Enter the user name (up to 64 alphanumeric characters)
for PPPoE au tho ri za tion.
- Enter password provided by ISP (up to 64 alphanumeric
characters). Re-enter password in the Con
rmation box.
Service Name
- Enter the PPPoE service name (up to 64 alphanumeric
characters). If ISP doesn’t require service name, leave blank.
Connection Type
- Select from:
- Continuous Connection - connects im me di ate ly after setting and never
- Connect on Demand - Reconnects when the disconnect time elapses.
- Manual - Disables Automatic Con nec tion. Connects to Internet using
the connect button on the initial settings page.
button will not appear until PPPoE is set.
Disconnection Time
- Specify the number of minutes (0-1440) before automatic dis con nect is performed. If
“0” is entered, dis con nect function is disabled. If
Con tin u ous Connection
is selected, the timer is disabled.
- Authorization method for accessing the ISP PPPoE server. If unknown, select Auto authoriza-
MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) Size
- Maximum Transmit Unit (578-1492) when using PPPoE.
Figure 4.1.6b
Wireless Bridge
(WDS) Settings
Figure 4.2.1a
Figure 4.2.1
WAN port