The output of the stove is regulated by the amount of
oil allowed to go into it and this function is controlled
by the -:
OIL CONTROL VALVE (O.C.V.), which is situated at
the right hand side of the stove, behind the right
hand side panel.
Turning the knob anti clockwise controls the oil flow.
The knob is located at the top right hand side of the
stove and is calibrated from off position (fully
clockwise) through 6 graduations to maximum.
Controls for the stove will vary, depending on which
valve is fitted to it.
The valve could be a ships valve or a Toby valve.
The control for the dry stove comprises-:
1. Oil flow control only. (Ships Valve)
The boiler version has extra controls which are-:
1. Oil flow control
2. Oil valve trip lever
3. Thermostat control
4. Safety Stat reset control
The Toby oil control valve used on boiler stoves has a
built in, non electric, modulating thermostat control,
which will put the fire on to low fire when the target
temperature has been achieved.
In addition to this there is also a similar safety stat,
which will shut the burner down, should the water
exceed 80 deg C.
The safety stat re set control is lifted to reset the
valve, should the stat trip.
The Toby valve has to be tripped into action by lifting
the trip button at the left hand side of the control
The flow of oil into the pot can be adjusted via the
knob on top of extension rod rising up from the oil
control valve.
8. With the increased flow of oil, extra heat is
generated, which in turn stimulates the chimney to
work harder and consequently draw more air into the
pot to maintain an adequate fuel air ratio.
Take care to make sure that safety and ventilation
issues are adequately addressed.
Here are the main causes of fume or smoke to leak
from the stove.
The chimney is blocked.
There are too many bends in the chimney.
The above deck chimney extension is not high
The boat is moored in a position near to high
buildings or trees and downdraughting is
The chimney is not airtight.
Fire can be caused by a variety of potential danger
points and because of the space limitation on boats;
this risk is ever present and must be adequately
The main danger is the effects of heat from the stove
on combustible materials and boat occupants.
Make sure that all combustibles are adequately
protected from the effects of heat radiation.
The stove must stand on a fireproof base of minimum
thickness 25mm
Floors in front of the stove must have suitable fire
The stove has built in rear side heat shields and when
the stove is positioned in a suitable location there
must be a space of 25mm clearance beyond the outer
heat shield, to allow air to rise up and around both
Space above the heat shields must be left clear to
allow the heat to rise.
Do not remove the heat shields under any
During normal, day-to-day use, many parts of this
stove, pipe work, and chimney can become too hot to