Chimney heights must be a minimum of 1.8 meter for
low fire use and 2.2 meter for high fire use.
Check the stove is fitted with adequate clearances
from combustibles.
Check that the combustion air restrictor is
functioning correctly.
If the stove is fitted with a boiler, air locks or poor
water flow through it may cause damage.
Make sure that the boiler has been vented of all air
Lighting the stove takes a little time and patience; the
following procedure should be adopted.
Open the front door.
Remove the coal kit if it has been supplied with the
Remove the inner mesh catalyser
Remove the lower burning ring.
Turn the oil on at full rate and allow oil to flow into
the bottom of the pot to form a pool about the size of
a small digestive biscuit and then turn the oil off.
Do not allow any depth of oil to build up.
Light a small piece of firelighter (about the size of a
pineapple chunk) and place it into the centre of the
Replace the lower burning ring, the mesh catalyser and
the coal kit and then leave the door slightly open
whilst the firelighter gets the oil going.
After 30 to 40 seconds, you will notice the flame start
to establish itself and spread around the bottom of
the pot.
When this occurs, close the door and turn the oil on to
its minimum setting.
After two or three minutes the flame should then
slowly change from yellow into blue flame combustion
and settle down to a steady burn.
Note there may be the occasional growl or audible
vibration whilst the burner settles down into blue
flame combustion.
Allow the burner 10 – 15 minutes to stabilise and the
increase the flow of oil as required, moving by one
increment of the dial only.
Do not leave the appliance unattended during the
lighting and stabilising procedure.
There are two types of valve fitted to Bubble stoves
and access to the low fire adjustment is different.
On the OCI ships valve the plastic drive knob has to
be removed to gain access to the low fire screw.
On the Toby valve the low fire screw is clearly visible
The valve has been flow rated before leaving the
factory and it should not need adjusting, if it does it is
necessary to remove the plastic drive cover (OCI
VALVE) which is held in place by a single fastener in
the side face of the knob.
Once the knob has been removed the low fire
adjusting screw is clearly visible.
When the burner has established good blue flame
combustion turn it up to half output. (Setting 3 on the
fuel flow control knob) and let it stabilize.
Allow at least half an hour for the chimney to warm up
thoroughly before making any adjustments to the high
or low fire screws.
Turn the stove down onto minimum firing rate and let
it stabilize.
After stabilization there should be a dull red glow in
the bottom of the lower catalyser with wispy blue
flames flicking in to the glowing edge of it.
If the flame falls into a dirty rolling yellow flame and
the lower catalyser is not dull red then the low fire
will need to be increased until it can support the
required blue flame combustion.
To increase the low fire oil flow, screw the adjusting
screw in by quarter turn increments.
When you are happy with the low fire, set the high
Turn the oil flow knob up to setting 4, let the flame
stabilize, and look at it, if it is stable and blue, turn it
up slowly using the control knob, letting it stabilize
after each movement, if the flame starts to go yellow
with long flame combustion, it is running fuel rich and
the high fire screw needs adjusting to reduce the flow
of oil. (Screw the adjuster screw in to reduce the high
fire oil flow.)
Before adjusting the high fire screw, turn the flame
down and let it stabilize in blue flame combustion,