BTL – 07p
operating manual & user's guide
page 18
AMP: FM 90 - 140 Hz, fluently 3/3/3 - program 0945, threshold motor sensitive intensity
M.piriformis l.dx.;indifferent electrode minimum 6 x 6 cm, lateral on the right thigh (tr.iliotibialis)
Application time: 6 minutes (for ultrasound frequency use the step method; if the ultrasound intensity is fixed
the application time can be 5 - 10 minutes, step 1 minute)
Frequency: First, 3 procedures daily, later every second day
Total number of treatments: 6
Ultr TENS (transcutaneous electrostimulation)
While emphasis was placed on myorelaxation, therapy of hyperalgetic zones and trigger points in the
aforementioned types of combined therapy, a combined US and TENS treatment is applied as a general
analgesic, not only for the above mentioned reflex changes but also for other kinds of pains. In these cases, we
recommend that you review the list of pains that ultrasound can treat because not every pain can be treated with
an ultrasound. The combined US and TENS treatment can be used for myalgia (post-injury, reflexive, etc.), post-
traumatic pain (after 24 - 36 hours), lege artis during the whole therapy (relaxation, decompression, etc.) The
preferred TENS impulses are symmetric biphasal or alternating biphasal impulses - program numbers 10, 11, 13,
14, 16, and 17 (the galvanic effect is omitted). When the degree of pain is small, use continual (conventional) or
random TENS; when the degree of pain is greater, use a basic TENS 100 Hz frequency and 2-8 Hz burst
frequency. The intensity should always be as high as the patient can stand it. This combination will have a faster
effect than other sequential procedures. However, it is important to keep in mind all the contraindications for
ultrasound (see Operator’s Manual - Ultrasound).
Mechanism of action
Reducing the
perception of pain
positively affects the trophic
in the injured area. The simultaneous ultrasound
application followed by increased capillary permeability, improved extravasal liquid absorbtion,
increased vasoactive amines secretion
and the influence on the pre-capillar spfincters are considered the most
effective prevention against the algodystrophic syndrom
Physical therapy in the
porouses area is contraindicated.
Use the segmental method only for trophicus.
Application time
Status acutus : 3 - 5 minutes.
Status subacutus : 3 - 10 minutes (you may use the positive step method).
The ultrasound intensity - see above. The continuous TENS
intensity abovethreshold sensitive
at the highest
tolerable level, TENS burst at highest tolerable level. Use the TENS surge with the above threshold motor
intensity for the trigger points or application to spastic muscles.
Total number of treatments
Individual, usually 1 - 6 treatments in one therapy.
Frequency of treatment
Usually daily application. In selected cases, every second day as the sessions come to an end. In segemental
long term treatments(sy. Sudeck, for example)., we recommend ending the therapy by slowly decreasing the
frequency of treatments (three times a week, twice a week, once a week and then ending the therapy
Procedure prescription
Same as the ultr low frequency therapy combination (see above).
A therapeutic example
Large haematoma in m.quadriceps femoris after contusion, more than 24 hours after injury, very painful.
Haematoma gravis reg.m.quadricipitis fem. l. sin.,S 70.1, acutus
Combined therapy ultr TENS burst (BTL-06 + BTL-07p)
Ultrasound: 1MHz, 1:16 PPR, 1 W/cm
, emitter head 4 cm
, semistatic application
TENS: burst, symetric biphase impulse, f = 100 Hz, f
= 5 Hz = program 1332, intensity at the highest tolerable
Location: Haematoma on the anterior surface of the left thigh, indifferent electrode minimum 6x6 cm on
the posterior surface of the thigh opposite the haematoma
Application time: 2-10 minutes, step 2 minutes
Freqency: First, 3 procedures daily, later every second day
Total number of procedures: 5