If you need some help, call us on
0800 145 6789* or go to
Recording a memo .......................... 38
Setting the answer mode ................. 38
Setting the answer delay .................. 39
Playing messages using the handset .. 40
Message playback ............................ 40
Deleting all old played messages ...... 41
Using the answer machine
from the base .................................. 41
Switching the answer machine
on or off at the base
......................... 41
Playing messages using the base ...... 41
Message playback on the base .......... 42
Deleting all played messages ............ 42
Remote access ................................. 43
Setting or changing the remote
access PIN ....................................... 43
Turning remote access on or off
........ 43
Operating your answering
machine remotely ............................ 44
Handset settings
............................. 45
Setting the handset ringtone .......... 45
Setting the handset ringer volume ... 45
Turning the handset tones on or off
.. 45
Changing the handset name ............. 46
Changing the call settings ................ 47
Base settings
.................................. 48
Setting the base ringtone ................ 48
Setting the base ringer volume ........ 48
Change the system PIN .................... 49
Reset .............................................. 50
.................................... 51
Setting the date and time ................. 51
Setting an alarm .............................. 51
Switching the alarm off
................... 51