Steering Head Adjustment
All models
It is first necessary to raise the front wheel clear of the ground—this can best be
done by lifting the machine on its stand and putting some small weight on the rear of
the machine causing the rear wheel to rest on the ground. Test for play by grasping
the fork legs and attempting to push them backwards and forwards. If play can be
detected the head bearing requires adjustment.
Front fork and steering head
Bantam Supreme
Slacken the clip bolt on each fork leg below the lamp so that the bottom yoke is
free to take up a new position.
Release the steering head clip bolt Fig. 9, and tighten adjuster nut until any
slackness has been taken up. Do not over-tighten or steering will be stiff and the ball
races may be damaged. Finally, retighten the steering head clip bolt followed by
those on the bottom yoke. To check, hold the handlebars lightly and move them
round slowly, when the steering should be free and rotate smoothly.
Rear Suspension
The two suspension units each comprise a telescopic damper unit and a totally
enclosed coil spring. The hydraulic dampers require no attention whatsoever. They
are sealed during manufacture and if they suffer damage or become ineffective they
must be replaced.
The complete suspension units can be removed from the frame after detaching the
pivot bolts at the top and the retaining nuts at the bottom.
The swinging fork pivot is provided with grease nipples and should be thoroughly
lubricated every 1,000 miles.