The set requires practically no maintenance, but if the stator is removed for
inspection or replacement at any time, the soldered connections which are visible
should be checked to ensure that none is touching another, or touching earth.
Before replacing, ensure that the pole faces are free from metallic dust and that the
main cable is clear of all the moving parts.
Contact Breaker Unit
Cleaning, lubrication, and gap setting of the contact breaker points are fully
described on Page 12.
Head Light
The front, together with the reflector and bulb assembly, is secured to the main
casing by means of a slotted screw below the lamp rim. To replace a bulb, therefore,
disengage and withdraw the front rim and light unit assembly, removing the lower
edge first.
To replace the double filament bulb, press the bulb retainer inwards, and turn
slightly anti-clockwise, when it can be lifted off and the bulb withdrawn.
Replacement bulb automatically provides correct relationship of the filaments.
The best way of checking the setting of the lamp is to stand the motor cycle in
front of a light-coloured wall at a distance of about 25 ft. If necessary, slacken the
two screws on the lamp side, and move the lamp until, with the main driving light
switched on, the beam is projected straight ahead and parallel with the ground. With
the lamp in this position, the height of the beam centre on the wall should be the same
as the height of the centre of the lamp from the ground.
Rear Lamp
A single bulb is used for both stop and rear light purposes. The transparent red
plastic portion of the lamp can be removed by unscrewing the two countersunk
Stop Light Switch
This is operated by the brake rod through a spring. It is desirable to see that any
mud or grease is periodically cleared away from the switch, and the operating
mechanism should be occasionally lubricated with thin oil. Check also that the cable
sleeve at the switch connection is in good order.
Wiring Diagram
A diagram of the electrical circuit appears on page 35. The insulation of the wires
is individually coloured and these colours are indicated on the diagram.
The wiring is connected by means of snap connectors at various convenient places
on the machine and it is desirable occasionally to check it over and make certain that
these connectors are tight.
Headlamp (main bulb)
Rear-Stop light bulb
Speedometer bulb
6 volt, 24/24 watt. pre-focus.
6 volt, 6/18 watt. S.B.C.
6 volt, ·6 watt. B.A. 7S Lug Cap.