LED Pin Lighting
safety Notice to Users of this MaNUal
This manual has been written and published by the Service Department of Brunswick Bowling and Billiards to
aid the reader when servicing or installing the products described.
It is assumed that these personnel are familiar with, and have been trained in, the servicing or installation
procedures of these products, which includes the use of common mechanic’s hand tools and any special
Brunswick or recommended tools from other suppliers.
We could not possibly know of and advise the reader of all conceivable procedures by which a service might
be performed and of the possible hazards and/or results of each method. We have not attempted any such
wide evaluation. Therefore, anyone who uses a service procedure and/or tool, which is not recommended by
Brunswick, must first completely satisfy himself that neither his nor the product’s safety will be endangered by
the service procedure selected.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product
information available at the time of publication.
It should be kept in mind, while working on the product, that the electrical system is capable of violent and
damaging short circuits or severe electrical shocks. When performing any work where electrical terminals
could possibly be grounded or touched by the mechanic, the power to the product should be disconnected prior
to servicing and remain disconnected until servicing is complete.