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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06
Technical alterations reserved!
Configuration of Analog Outputs
VIBROCONTROL 1870 - Vibration Measurement and Axial Position
– 4 Channels - Relative Shaft Vibration
Extension Modules for VIBROCONTROL 1850/1860/70
VIBROCONTROL 1801 Relay Module - 12 Relays
VIBROCONTROL-1801 Relay Module
Configuration of VC-1801 with the Compact Setup Software
Connecting a VIBROCONTROL 18xx and a VC-1801
Specifications of the VC-1801 Relay Module
VIBROCONTROL 1803/1804 Communication Module Ethernet Bridge
Configuration of VIBROCONTROL 1803/1804
VIBROCONTROL 1803/04 with Compact Setup Software
Connecting the VIBROCONTROL 18xx to a PLC/PC
Making Settings with the Software "Compact Setup" Software
VIBROCONTROL 1803/04 LAN interface
Example of Compact Setup Communication
Modbus Connection for VIBROCONTROL 18xx via VIBROCONTROL 1803/04
Example of Modbus TCP Communication
Modbus Addresses and Registers