Note: The following operations must be performed within working range to the controller.
1. Press the P3 button on the remote - this sets the controller into learn function.
2. A continuous audible sound will be heard from the controller (if in audible range
of the controller). Within 5 seconds press button 1 on the remote, and after waiting
1-5 more seconds send command for ‘T ID1 B1’ via docklight as shown below.
3. The command line interface window will show the transmit code (blue) and receive
response ‘54 06 5A’.
4. If the received response is not ‘54 06 5A’, refer to the error tables listed at the back
section of this manual for troubleshooting.
Repeat Steps 1-4 for all relevant button operations as shown in the photo below.
For the On/Off Controller B2-B4 are the relevant commands, and for the Dimmer
Control B2-B7 are the relevant commands.
Note, the audible output from the controller (not the remote) provides feedback and
confirmation that the process has been completed successfully. If the controller cannot be
heard, use docklight to send the command ‘T ID B1’ to confirm that the link has paired and
operates the heater correctly. Dependant on the heater you may need to wait up to 2 minutes
to register the heat output. Once it is confirmed that the heater is on, send command ‘T ID01
B7’ to turn the heater off. Confirm that both operations function correctly.