Brocade MLXe Series Hardware Installation Guide
Router modules
High-speed switch fabric modules
Gen-1 switch fabric modules and Gen-2 high-speed fabric (HSF) modules are not compatible and will
not operate together in the same device.
HSF modules are supported on Brocade MLXe Series routers, and are interoperable with all
existing interface modules.
HSF modules are hot-swappable, which means you can install or replace them while the system is
powered up and running.
Do not remove or power-off all switch fabric modules on MLXe chassis while the device is up and
running. Removing all the switch fabric modules from the device and then re-inserting them can
cause the device to become unstable, resulting in protocol flaps and thereby traffic impact. A system
reload is required to recover.
HSF modules can operate in normal mode or turbo mode but will boot in turbo mode only if all
active interface modules are Gen-2 and Gen-3modules.
Power supplies
Brocade supports the following power supply types:
1200W AC or DC power supply
1800W AC or DC power supply
2100W AC or DC power supply
2400W AC or DC power supply
3000W AC or DC power supply
lists the power supplies that are available for Brocade MLXe routers.
Power supplies
Part number
16-, 8- and 4-slot MLXe and 16- and 8-Slot XMR/MLX AC 1800W power supply.
16-, 8- and 4-slot MLXe and 16- and 8-Slot XMR/MLX DC 1800W power supply.
16-, 8- and 4-slot MLXe and 16- and 8-Slot XMR/MLX AC 1200W power supply.
16-, 8- and 4-slot MLXe and 16- and 8-Slot XMR/MLX DC 1200W power supply.
4-Slot NetIron XMR/MLX AC 1200W power supply.
4-Slot NetIron XMR/MLX DC 1200W power supply.
BR-MLXE-32-ACPWR-3000 32-slot NetIron MLXe/XMR/MLX AC 3000W power supply.
BR-MLXE-32-DCPWR-3000 32-slot NetIron MLXe/XMR/MLX DC 3000W power supply.
32-Slot NetIron MLXe/XMR/MLX AC 2400W power supply.
32-Slot NetIron MLXe/XMR/MLX DC 2400W power supply.