Brobo Group
A risk assessment program of plant items was commenced on behalf of Brobo Pty. Ltd. Dandenong South
during March 2009. The assessment was commissioned by Mr David Golic. Plant items assessed were
located within the manufacturing facility located at 66-68 Williams Rd. Plant assets inspected were as per the
Operating Manual for the OHS Series S315, 350, 400 S SCV Metal Cutting Saws, Sn’s. C29680~.
As far as practicable, risks have been assessed against relevant Australian Standards, the Code of Practice
for Plant No. 19, 1 July 1995. The Risk Assessments are completed under the “Generic” classification as
defined by the Code.
Parts, accessories, components or other items together with the likely use, materials used as part of the
process, cleaning procedures and maintenance procedures are some of the items given due consideration
as to the likelihood of presenting Health and Safety risks to personnel . These items identified as hazards
are described under the heading of “Hazard”.
The Hazard listed in column 1 of the Risk Assessment.
The level of the Risk associated with each Hazard is based on AS 4360 Risk Management, consistent with
Worksafe Victoria guidelines.
The qualitative measures are:
Catastrophic (multiple deaths, loss over $1,000,000)
Disaster (single death, loss to $1,000,000)
Very serious (Permanent disability, loss to $1,000,000 )
Serious (extensive medical treatment required, lost time >7 days, loss to $500,000)
Substantial ( medical treatment, lost time <7 days
Minor (first aid treatment, lost time < 1 day )