Broadcast IP Systems
Lancaster Court |8 Barnes Wallis Road|Fareham|Hampshire|PO15 5TU|UK
+44 (0)1376 390647
Connect the MPAD with the interconnection cable to the GPS module on the feed arm.
Power ON the GPS & Mpad (13 amp plug) Check the MPAD is set for Thor 7 @1W. The
desired satellite can be
Power ON the Modem (the modem will take 1-2 minutes for Boot up)
“Modem Booting Please Wait” will
appear whilst the modem is booting
Once the Modem has booted then the
MPAD2 will display the current AZ & EL
position of the mount & once the GPS has
locked it will display a T-AZ & T-EL, the “T”
standing for target. The target AZ & EL will
be the position of the satellite from your
THOR 7 is at 1 degree West
. Where the actual mount EL is derived from an
inclinometer & therefore will be correct the AZ is derived from a compass which will only be
as accurate as the local magnetic influences allow & so should be treated as a rough guide
rather than an absolute.
Set the antenna so that the EL
& T-EL are the same.
Sweep the antenna in
azimuth in the direction of
the satellite (heading taken
from compass) until the signal
level is peaked on the MPAD