7712206-User Manual-EN-2019-9
16 | 22
By setting the bottom valve in a middle position shown below, you can circulate both
outside the malt pipe and over the grain bed. With this solution you can set the pump
power high (70-100%). Make sure the liquid level outside the malt pipe is stable and the
heating elements never expose. As recommended earlier, the right dip tube can be set in
the upper position to prevent this. Use the bottom valve to adjust the flow over the grains
based on your flow rate through the grain bed.
Sticker for bottom valve showing the area you should operate on during combined circulation
The system ship as standard with a sparge pipe. This pipe will sit outside the center pipe
during the mashing process. When lifting the malt pipe, the sparge pipe will lift with it thus
extending the center pipe. If you are sparging from a second water heater, we recommend
connecting the sparge water on the front-facing port on the right 3-way valve. This allows
you to pump the sparge water up the center pipe from the water heater, using the internal
pump. Adjust the pump speed as needed. Make sure to not sparge with more water than
the main tank can hold.
When lifting the malt pipe during sparging, the liquid level will drop and expose the heating
elements. It is important that you turn off the heating elements before lifting the malt pipe.