Technical Support Numbers
United States and other C/S countries
Tel: 800-368-3362
Fax: 414-228-5799
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 888-262-7576
Fax: 905-764-5557
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 800-368-3362
Fax: 525-527-5586
Email: [email protected]
Tel (PABX): 55 11 3686-4720
Tel (Direct): 55 11 3686-5697
Fax: 55 11 3686-5236
Email: [email protected]
Quick Start
If you are familiar with using Microsoft Windows and Windows-based programs, the following information will
help you quickly get up and running with Lockout PRO.
Initialize installation using the Setup.exe file on the Lockout PRO CD.
File type
– Lockout PRO files are saved with the .lop file extensio
Image files
– Lockout PRO allows you to insert .jpg, .gif, and .bmp images into procedures.
Introducing Brady Lockout PRO
Welcome to Lockout PRO
Brady Lockout PRO allows you to create and implement a thorough OSHA compliant Lockout-Tagout program
throughout your facility with ease. Now you can work faster and more efficiently than ever before thanks to the
automated features provided by Lockout PRO. Lockout PRO uses the conventions that you are already familiar
with so that you can quickly begin creating your machine-specific lockout-tagout procedures using a
comfortable, familiar interface.
A few of the highlights within Brady Lockout PRO are:
Separate files
– Your machine-specific procedures are saved as separate files with all images embedded within. This
allows you to open, save, move, and otherwise use the files in the same manner that you are used to with other
Windows programs.
Network friendly
- You can save your procedure files onto shared network drives allowing anyone with Lockout PRO
to access them.
Integration with existing systems
– The use of separate files allows you to integrate the files with any Windows-
based program that can link to external files for opening and/or printing, including most modern CMMS, ERP, and
document management systems.
User friendly
– Lockout PRO is very easy to learn and use because it uses standard Microsoft Windows conventions
throughout. This means that you will immediately be comfortable with the navigation and use of the program.
Self-Contained –
All functionality needed to create graphical machine-specific Lockout-Tagout procedures is built-in,
including image editing and modification.
– All text, titles, and procedure format settings can be customized and defined by the end user. This
included the available energy sources, predefined notes, and devices.
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