On-screen tutorial
– Lockout PRO features a tutorial that will walk you through the creation of a lockout-tagout
procedure. This tutorial will launch automatically the first time that you use the program, and is always accessible from
the Help menu.
System Requirements
Operating System
Windows NT 4.0, 98 se, ME, 2000, or XP.
* It is required that the latest available service packs are installed.
Additional system requirements
.NET Framework 1.1 or later
MDAC 2.6 or newer
*Note: the above will be automatically installed if they are not present during installation
Internet Explorer 5.01 or newer
Disk Space
Monitor Resolution
Minimum screen resolution of 800x600, though the program is optimized for 1024x768 or
Installing Lockout PRO
To install Lockout PRO on your computer, follow these steps:
: Before you install Lockout PRO on your system, you must first have a copy of Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5.01 or newer installed on your system. If you do not, install a copy of Internet Explorer before
continuing. The latest version of Internet Explorer can be downloaded for free or ordered on CD from
1. Close all programs that are currently running on your computer, including any email or anti-virus programs
that you may have.
2. Insert the Lockout PRO CD into your CD-ROM drive.
3. Go to Run… from the Start menu.
4. In the Open: text box, type “D:\Setup.exe”, replacing D: with the appropriate letter for your CD-ROM drive.
5. Follow the prompts during the installation process.
It is recommended that you use the default installation directory.
If, during the installation process, you receive a message stating that Lockout PRO is attempting to copy a file
that is older than one that is currently on your system, elect to keep the existing, newer, file.
Uninstalling Lockout PRO
To remove Lockout PRO from your system, follow these steps:
1. Close all programs that are currently running on your computer, including any email or anti-virus programs
that you may have.
2. From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs
3. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box select the Brady Lockout PRO entry in the list of programs.
4. Click the Add/Remove button.
5. Follow the prompts during the uninstall process.
6. Restart
If, during the un-install process, you receive a message asking if you would like to keep or remove shared
Lockout PRO files, elect to keep the files.
Using Lockout PRO
Opening Lockout PRO
To open the program, click on the Brady Lockout PRO icon located in the Programs menu under the Start menu.
This will launch the program. You will first see a splash screen while the program is loading. This will go away
once the program is completely loaded and you will be ready to begin using Lockout PRO.
Program Layout
Lockout PRO follows the typical Windows-based program layout and navigation conventions. If you are
familiar with other Windows-based programs you will be comfortable using Lockout PRO.
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