Opening an existing procedure
To open an existing procedure, select the Open… command from the File menu on the Menu Bar. You can also
click on the Open File icon in the Toolbar. The program will present you with the Open File dialog box that
allows you to browse to the correct drive, folder, and file location and select the file you wish to open. Once you
have located the file that you wish to open, click it and then click the Open button.
The procedure will be opened in a new window and a tab for it will be added to the Window Tab Bar.
Saving a procedure
To save the procedure currently being viewed, select the Save command from the File menu on the Menu Bar.
You can also click on the Save File icon in the Toolbar. If the procedure has not previously been named, you
will be presented with the Save As dialog box. Select the location and filename that you would like to save the
procedure as and click the Save button.
If the procedure has been previously named, the program will save the changes to the file.
Saving a procedure with a new name
To save the current procedure with a new filename, select the Save As… command from the File menu on the
Menu Bar. You will be presented with the Save As dialog box. Select the location and filename that you would
like to save the procedure as and click the Save button.
Deleting a procedure
Lockout PRO files are deleted in the same manner as every other Windows file. To delete a procedure file,
locate it using the My Computer or Windows Explorer programs. Select the file and press the Delete key.
Import Lockout PRO v1.0 Procedures
You can import and open a single Lockout PRO v1.0 procedure, or convert all v1.0 procedures in a selected
To import and open a specific v1.0 procedure, select Import > v1.0 File from the File menu. You will be
presented with a file selection dialog box. Select the v1.0 .blp file that you wish to open and click the Open
button. The procedure will be converted and opened.
To convert all v1.0 procedure files in a directory to v2.0 procedure files, select Import > Convert Multiple from
the File menu. You will be presented with a folder selection dialog box. Select the folder that contains the v1.0
.blp files that you wish to convert and click the OK button. The files will be converted and a dialog showing the
conversion progress will be displayed.
Procedure Layout
Machine-specific procedures can be created using either of two user-friendly graphical formats, the Short Form
and the Long Form.
Short Form Procedure Format
The Short Form layout provides a page-based organization of the Lockout process. By organizing the
information within the context of the available space on each page, the resulting procedure is concise and
efficient, but the space constraints may limit the amount of information that can be entered for each energy
source. If you do not need to provide extensively detailed information or use more than two images for one or
more of the lockout steps, the Short Form is a good choice.
The Short Form is comprised of the Header, Images, Energy Source Table, and Footer.
– This section contains information identifying the machine that the procedure applies to, the number of
lockout points on the machine, any special notes, and the Lockout Application Process.
– This section contains one or two images of the machine and the energy source labels identifying the
correct lockout points.
Energy Source Table
– This section contains the steps necessary to lockout each individual energy source.
Footer –
This section contains the Lockout Removal Process, the energy source color and abbreviation legend,
and the current and total page numbers.
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