Page 21
Blower Removal & Installation (cont’d)
Step 13.
Reconnect the cord sets from Step 5.
Step 14.
Plug the water heater into the wall outlet.
Step 15.
To resume operation, follow the instructions located on the water heater
lighting instruction label. Or, use the lighting instructions located in the water heater
installation and operating manual.
Determine Water Temperature Inside Tank
Step 1.
Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position.
Step 2.
Draw approximately 4 gallons of water from the drain valve into a
container and discard. Draw an additional gallon and immediately measure the water
temperature using an accurate thermometer. It may be necessary to open a hot water
faucet to allow heater to drain.
Step 3.
Compare the measured water temperature with the setting on the gas
control. In most instances, they should not differ by more than approx. 10°F.
Gas Control Testing & Replacement
Stored water may be HOT when performing the following steps in this procedure. Take
necessary precaution to prevent personal injury.