4. Connect the TVC extension cables to their respective servos, and make sure they are
connected tight! The two cable colors should correspond. Orange to white, red to red,
and black to black.
5. Fold the TVC X servo cable
around the extension cable/servo
cable joint, and wrap a good deal
of masking tape around the
assembly. With the tape wrapped
around the wire joint, both cables
should have little or no slack when
pulled by their extensions.
6. If you were to stretch out the TVC
extension cables, they should now
be equal length at the end, since
the slack in the X cable was
wrapped in tape. This is important,
slack in the X cable could result in
a TVC jam.
6e. Final TVC hardware steps
The TVC mount is built and wired up! Time to get it powered on and tested.
1. Plug the correct TVC extension cables into the flight computer. The white wire of the
TVC extension cable should be at the top, and the black wire on the bottom.
2. Turn on the Signal flight computer, let it boot up into the green pad-idle mode again
3. Open up the Signal app on your iPhone or Android device, and go to System
Copyright © 2019 Barnard Propulsion Systems, LLC
Version 1.8, Jan 1, 2019